About Us


You live to save lives. We live to help you train for it.

Professionals on healthcare’s frontline, be they EMTs, paramedics, nurses, or rapid response teams are tasked with treating and caring for the sick and injured. However, despite this critical role, they do not have good access to patient simulation. Current simulators are bulky, heavy, and expensive. Furthermore, we just don’t think current “state-of-the-art” mechanical simulators are very realistic.

That's why we created PerSim®.

The PerSim® was specifically designed with pre-hospital and hospital training in mind. With highly realistic scenarios designed just for healthcare providers and a focus on keeping the PerSim® affordable and portable, we’re passionate about bringing a high-quality patient simulator to you to help maintain and improve your skills. Our focus on affordable, portable and realistic simulation is specifically intended to provide all people who can benefit access to this valuable training modality.

Meet The Team

Russell J. Unrath


John Quarles, PhD

Chief Technology Officer

Hector Caraballo, MD

Vice Chair-Board of Directors

Sohail Baig

Staff Engineer

Bobby Sporman

Senior Account Executive
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Barış KES

Software Engineer
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Ashley Suazo

Sales & Marketing Manager
Suazo_Ashley web photo

Customer success Associate

Bio Coming Soon

Jordan Bejar

Bio Coming Soon

Experience PerSim® in Action