PerSim® For
PerSim® For Physicians
You got into healthcare to help others, right? But how do you reconcile this:
Medical error is the third leading cause of death
It’s time to think and train differently.
How do you train for low-frequency, high-risk patient events?
PerSim® allows you to create dynamic, and realistic events on demand! PerSim® also allows you to bring medical simulation to the work environment (aka In-situ medical simulation training).
In-situ medical simulation allows doctors in training to better understand the limitations of their clinical work environment.

PerSim® For Allied Health
Medical error is the third leading cause of death
Why? Systemic & Cognitive Error. Our Goal: Zero Error
How do we get there? Process improvements and medical simulation
Limited access to med sim
Lack of realism
PerSim® For Pre-Hospital / EMS
The majority of tasks in EMS are high frequency tasks, which deliver consistently good results. BUT how do you prepare for low frequency events? Low frequency events are HIGH RISK. And let’s face it, in the beginning of your EMS career, everything feels high risk.
PerSim® allows you to create dynamically realistic low frequency high risk events on demand! And it allows you to bring medical simulation to the work environment (aka In-Situ medical simulation training) such as:
- Ambulance
- Mock Apartments
- Public Spaces
Mass Casualty scenarios
- Severe Trauma models
In-Situ medical simulation allows EMS to better understand the limitations of their clinical work environment.

PerSim® For Nurses
The majority of tasks in nursing are high frequency tasks, which deliver consistently good results. BUT how do you prepare for low frequency events? Low frequency events are HIGH RISK. And let’s face it, in the beginning of your nursing career, everything feels high risk.
PerSim® allows you to create dynamically realistic low frequency high risk events on demand! And it allows you to bring medical simulation to the work environment (aka In-Situ medical simulation training) such as:
Emergency Room
Med-Surg Floor