PerSim® News
Read what they’re saying about PerSim® in the media.

— San Antonio Business Journal
— Business Wire, Yahoo News, Crunchbase
— KSat12, SA Tech, maxwell massey
—Startups San Antonio, Iris Gonzalez
— san antonio business journal
“There is no element of true experiential learning, and the first time a human patient presents in distress might be the very first time that responder sees what a sick patient looks like. Our product provides an accurate representation of clinical conditions so that first responders can effectively train for those critical moments.”
— temple college public relations, temple, TX
— fox 44 special report
— Mesa Community College, Mesa AZ
— kens 5 (CBS), san antonio, TX
“Instead of telling people what to look for in slides or lectures or books, we can actually show them,” said emergency physician Hector Caraballo, MD. “So when they actually see it in real life, they’re prepared to act and they know what to do.”
— klrn (PBS), san antonio, TX
— texas public radio (NPR)
— spectrum news, san antonio, TX